Maximize the value of your advertising with customizable solutions

Digital Displays
The best option for fully customizable and changeable content. Our digital option gives you the power to edit or change your ads at any time. Offered on 70″, 65″, or 60″ screens in high-traffic locations across the airport. Ads play for 15-second increments with additional time offered as an add-on. Photo or video-based, no audio.

Brochure Displays
Our lowest-rated option gives you the power to provide thorough business information and truly interact with your audience. Racks are placed in centrally located areas to target audiences as they wait in lines or for their luggage. Trifold and magazine size racks available.

Free Standing Banners
Customize size and locatation with startegically placed free-standing banners. Offered in single or double sided.

Have products you want to show off? Showcase them in our kiosk and vitrine displays. By including both graphics and products, your ad will capture the audience’s attention. Brochure or business card racks can also be attached to deepen your impact with the audience.

Exterior Banners
Be the first to make an impact on arriving passengers and their families and friends. These banners are offered in multiple quantities, locations, and duration. 24″ x 91″ hanging high on light poles lined on entering and exiting streets.

Sanitizer Stations
Place your ad directly in front of the viewer with sanitizer station customizations. Sanitizer stations are offered in sets of 3 throughout the terminal.
Additional offerings are available for short-term or special event advertising perfect for any event happening in the region. We’re also eager to provide any additional, customizable promotion for your business. Have a great idea you want to come to life? Let’s work together!
(910) 330-6123